CERID has been supporting the self-settled urban refugees and host community in the improvement and prevention of GBV and HIV/AIDS, which is a very serious socio-cultural-economic problem in Koboko Municipality.
Mass media plays a powerful and vital role in influencing awareness level leading to changes in attitudes and behaviors of human being, which helps to inculcate positive values and norms. Keeping this view in mind.
CERID now wishes to invite applications from suitable drama groups to provide the service below …
Prevention of GBV and HIV/AIDS Engaging Men, women, girls and boys to stop GBV and HIV/AIDS Primary Audience: Self-settled Urban Refugees and Host Community. Secondary Audience: Rural population Tertiary Audience: Policy etc. Product: Drama show
Mass media plays a powerful and vital role in influencing awareness level leading to changes in attitudes and behaviors of human being, which helps to inculcate positive values and norms. Keeping this view in mind, CERID has been supporting the self-settled urban refugees and host community in the improvement and prevention of GBV and HIV/AIDS, which is a very serious socio-cultural-economic problem in Koboko Municipality.
Justification: Drama shows
Drama Shows has created a niche audience. Enter-educative drama designed and produced with quality, can be of immense value for launching concerted education campaigns and field-based shows have generated public participation. Good quality and entertainment based drama “engage”, “involve”, and leave “imprints” on audiences (people). A clear, facts-based, and engaging drama gradually, but surely makes an impressionable impact on audiences leading to behavioral changes.
Earlier, it was mentioned that mass media especially drama has an effective role in influencing people’s behavior and raise awareness through entertainment. So, dissemination of messages using enter-educative drama, is an effective tool to attract and accept a huge population on new issues. This will lead people to be self-motivated and act for social development. In terms of awareness raising on prevention of GBV and AIDS/HIV, Drama can play a vital role for wide population coverage for disseminating messages.
Effectiveness in awareness raising and behavioral changes on prevention of GBV and HIV/AIDS, requires specific and comprehensive interventions as well as wide coverage, scale and intensity.
The Objectives of the drama shows are:
i) To create a friendly environment to get access to HIV/AIDS and GBV services.
ii) To raise knowledge level of the people leading to behavioral changes in a targeted manner for men, women, youth, adolescents (girls and boys),
iii) To make change in the patriarchal society and break the socially constructed rules and attitude towards GBV and HIV/AIDS.
iv) To stop all forms of Violence and ensure gender equality and equity following cultural sensitivity and changes in the people’s mind set which is inherited and remains as a big challenge at all level
v) To show the consequences of violence on the development initiative and society
vi) To stop and prevent HIV/AIDS spread in the community
CERID wishes to conduct campaigns on the issues of GBV and HIV/AIDS to raise awareness of people. As a means of campaign, the messages could be delivered through drama to cover the Municipality, with special target to reach self-settled refugees and host community.
Scope of Work
The finally selected drama group will have to perform a comprehensive campaign for 6 months; one awareness campaign every month in the Municipality:
Methodology for Drama shows.
The production of the drama will need primary and secondary research on both the content. The drama group will propose a sound methodology for the research leading to the development of the scripts and the production itself. The methodology has to take into consideration the social communication and behavioral change theories and practices for making the production more relevant and effective.
Selected drama group will be required to deliver the followings:
• 6 drama shows in Koboko Municipality on GBV and HIV/AIDS
• Produce and submit the drama scripts to CERID
Pre-requisite of the applying agencies and responsibilities;
A drama group with at least 1 year expertise in producing drama in the areas of social communication.
Working experience in Gender, reproductive health related issues.
Experience in producing package drama.
Responsibilities will include formative research, design, and production of the drama.
Script outline (both in local language and in English).
Experiences of performing similar kind of task.
How to apply:
All interested drama groups can send their technical applications to the Executive Director Community Empowerment and Rehabilitation Initiative for Development on info@ceriduganda.org -copy- isaac@ceriduganda.org or hand deliver to the above address not later than 5:00pm on Friday 15th November, 2019.